A New Treatment Modality Radiosurgery
The technique of radiosurgery involves the passage of high-frequency radio waves through the soft tissue to cut, coagulate or remove this tissue. The soft tissue resistance to these radio waves causes cellular water in the soft tissues to heat producing steam and results in molecular dissolution of individual cells. The electrode used here transmits the radio waves in contrast to the electrodes used in electrosurgery, which resist the flow of current, and the tissue becomes hot. Thus chances of tissue damage are less with radiosurgery as compared to electrosurgery and even laser surgery. Advantages of radiosurgery are minimal collateral heat damage, rapid healing, and aesthetically pleasing scars. This modality of treatment is widely used abroad not only for Dermatological Surgery but also in ENT, Gynecology and Vascular Surgeries

It's Uses:-
- Performing instant Skin Biopsies especially for deeper lesions without sutures.
- Loop electro section of Pyogenig Granulomas.
- Exclusively for facial telangectasias and cherry angiomas.
- Excellent for treatment of keloids and hypertrophic bridging scars.
- Widely used for Blepharoplasty.
- Excellent for compound nevi especially on the face.
- Skin tags electrosection.
- Removal of Seborrheic and Actinic Keratosis.
- Warts on any sites including palmoplantar & periungual warts.
- Dermatosis papula nigra.
- Removal of xanthelesma palpebrarum.
- Hair removal using insulated epilating wire Electrodes.
- Hair restoration surgery.
- Rhinophyma treatment.
- Treatment of syringomas.
- Ear and nose piercing.
- Acne scars.
- Excision of skin tumors.
- Electrosection of inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus.
- Mucosal biopsies.